1. Both had disciples
Jesus and Socrates both won disciples who followed them around to gain from their wisdom and knowledge.
2. Both went against the teachings of their society
Jesus like Socrates was famous for going against what was standard practice in his society. This includes permitting work on the Sabbath and the sparing of the adulterous woman.
3. Both were sentenced by their governments
Jesus and Socrates were both put to death by their states. Jesus by crucifixtion, Socrates by drinking hemlock (poison).
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4. Both could escape death but chose not to
While Jesus had foreknowledge of the plot to kill him, Socrates was given the chance to stop teaching or exile in exchange for his life. Both men stood for what they believed in.
5. Both never wrote down anything
Neither Jesus nor Socrates actually wrote anything down. Jesus’s disciples passed his teachings by oral traditions till it was written into many codex that would later be converted to the Bible. Socrates’s teaching were written down by his loyal student Plato in the book Plato’s dialoged.