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See why this country has the lowest divorce rate in the world

The country has a divorce rate of 1 in 1,000 marriages.
This country has the lowest divorce rate in the world [Daily News]
This country has the lowest divorce rate in the world [Daily News]

While some countries have significantly higher divorce rates, there is one country that consistently stands out for having the lowest divorce rate in the world.

India boasts one of the lowest divorce rates globally. With a divorce rate of less than 1% in many regions, it’s clear that marriage in India holds a unique and sacred place in the lives of many citizens.

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The country is known for its rich cultural traditions, family values, and deep-rooted social structures and they view marriage as not just a union between two individuals, but as a commitment between two families.

In many cases, extended family members, such as parents and in-laws, are deeply involved in the married couple’s life, providing guidance and help through difficult times, so the significance of family support and societal pressure plays a crucial role in keeping marriages intact.

Another key element is the societal expectation of marital stability. In India, divorce is still often seen as a taboo, with couples feeling the pressure of social judgment. This perception influences many individuals to work through their problems instead of opting for separation.

So many couples may choose to stay married, despite experiencing difficulties, because of the significant emotional, familial, and societal weight attached to the concept of divorce.

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Furthermore, cultural and religious practices also play a vital role in reducing the divorce rate in India. Hinduism, the dominant religion in India, teaches the importance of marital fidelity and sees marriage as a sacred bond. Many couples undergo pre-marital counseling or face strong familial expectations to build lasting relationships, which may help mitigate the risks of divorce.

Also, arranged marriages, which are still common in India, are believed to involve careful selection by families, based on compatibility and background, which could contribute to longer-lasting unions. On the other hand, love marriages, while on the rise in urban areas, are still less common in comparison. The tendency to approach marriage with practicality, mutual understanding, and a strong sense of responsibility may further lower the likelihood of divorce.

Other Factors That Contribute to Low Divorce Rates in India include;

  1. Economic Factors: In many parts of India, divorce is financially impractical. Divorce can be expensive, and in rural areas, where access to legal representation may be limited, many individuals simply don’t pursue separation.

  2. Long-standing Social Expectations: Marital failure is often associated with social stigma. This societal pressure means that individuals who are unhappy in their marriages may feel reluctant to divorce, choosing instead to maintain the facade of marital stability.

  3. Gender Roles and Expectations: In India, traditional gender roles and expectations are still deeply ingrained in many communities. These roles often create a strong sense of duty toward maintaining the family unit, which may contribute to lower divorce rates, as people work hard to preserve the family structure.

Comparing India to other countries, it is clear that the divorce rate in India is substantially lower. For example, countries like the United States, Russia, and the United Kingdom experience divorce rates of around 40-50%. In contrast, India’s rate of less than 1% stands in stark contrast to these figures.

FYI: While low divorce rates are often seen as a sign of marital stability, it is also important to note that they don’t necessarily reflect the overall quality or satisfaction of marriages.

ALSO READ: How to get a divorce in Nigeria (step-by-step process)

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