Do you often hear phrases like these and start to feel anxious or doubt yourself? Chances are, you’re being gaslighted, or you truly have these problems.
Whether you need help or not, you shouldn’t tolerate gaslighting. Gaslighting is psychological abuse that can take a toll on your mental health. Furthermore, it is manipulating you into making you think you’re crazy.
It is a tactic self-righteous, abusive, and narcissistic partners use to trap their partners. These psychopaths make their partners think they can’t do without them, and they make them so confused they often lose their sense of freedom. Unfortunately, most people don’t know when they’re being gaslighted; it just happens. Luckily, below is a compilation of but not limited to common gaslighting phrases you should watch out for so you can take appropriate action.
1. ‘Stop misunderstanding me’
Sometimes, partners give their significant others very vague instructions so they can intentionally get stuff wrong and shoulder the blame. When you get a slight hunch that something is wrong with a gaslighter, they twist the circumstances and make it about you.
2. ‘You are too emotional’
If you give the appropriate emotional response to a gaslighter’s actions and they start mentioning how you often overreact, they’re not suitable for you. Sometimes you wonder if you’re really overthinking it, but it’s just the manipulative effect.
3. ‘You are ungrateful’
When someone keeps bringing up favors, they’ve offered you in the past, it’s blackmail. Gaslighting partners will mention how much they’ve sacrificed for you, so you feel guilty and unappreciative. Then you think you owe them and start obeying their every request.
4. ‘You’re making things up’
With white lies, any skilled gaslighter can make you sound crazy. They tell you you’re making things up and continue to water the seed of self-doubt in you.
5. ‘You’ve gained weight’
Not that your partner can’t tell you when you’ve added a few pounds, but when they continuously spot your flaws and try to make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin, then they are gaslighting you. They can also say things like, “you look bad in that dress’, ‘You should lose weight to look like…….’