Another case of
According to the story, the man feels his wife, an hair stylist, has become haughty, insolent and unmanageable due to the growth of her business and to put her in check, he decided to pummel her to a pulp.
Read: "Domestic Violence: Married woman brutalised by husband cries for help"
A Twitter user with the handle @iamdivinediva1, who is the woman's customer, posted the brutality on her time line:
"I'm sad!!! This is my hairstylist! She has a very good braiding salon somewhere in Yaba. I've referred a lot of my friends to her shop! I had to call her after I saw her post.
I was hoping she will say she was involved in an accident but she said her husband did this to her!
Why??? Why???
According to her, her shop has been closed down since Friday because her husband believes she's getting proud because she has a successful business!
I wouldn't post this because I like to get my facts right but I thought about her. I know her, very hardworking woman & no one should do this to anyone regardless!
She also said this is not the first time!! Real men don't beat women! I'm thinking Grace & I'm also thinking we will find this man & lock him up!!! Say no to domestic violence!"
'Read: "Deadly Marriage: 11-months after wedding, husband cuts off wife's ear with plier"
Why would you do this to anyone?