Kanye West has notoriously been in the news for weeks now following his epic Twitter meltdown. And now, Kanye West's social media tirade is alleged to have angered Kardashian matriarch Kris Jenner, who is said to be worried her son-in-law's behaviour could have a negative impact on her family's image.
All this comes after a week of eccentric tweets from Kanye, ranging from taking creditfor TaylorSwift's success to saying Bill Cosbyis innocent, and declaring he has $53M of 'personal debt.'
New York Times' Page Six reports, 'His Twitter rants are out of control, and Kris fears that he’s taking the family down.'
Kris has reportedly told Kanye he needs to get a good PR management to reign him in before he damages the 'Kardashian brand' further.
Rhymefest, a Grammy and Oscar award winning co-writer of Yeezy’s hits “JesusWalks” and “NewSlaves” recently took to Twitter to plead with Kanye West to find healing through a professional.