Articles written by the author African locust bean popularly known as iru is of great importance in Nigeria as people rely on it as a source of food, traditional medicine and remedy for several ailments. Garri made from tubes and roots of the cassava plant contains proteins, fat, carbohydrates, iron, Vitamin B and C and also starch. African velvet tamarind is the fruit of a native West African tree called Dialium Guineense. Nigeria has many religions, but the two main ones being Islam and Christianity. Colonisation and the religious faith of Christians has resulted in some amazing structures being built over the years. The tea is made from the hibiscus plant, which is ruby red in colour. Don't just migrate, consider what your priorities will be and pick the country that's best for you. Say no more, here are five ways to get rid of belly fat the Nigerian way. We'll be ranking this based on crime and safety, accessibility, quiet and peaceful domain and ideal environment for families. Lagos remains to be the most populous and a major financial centre. You most likely want to have a memorable holiday season and have every intention of making it the "best one ever." Due to its high oil content, <strong>egusi seeds</strong> can be used for making margarine, butter and animal feed. Several projections estimate that Nigeria's population could grow to levels with China by 2100. Try out these budget-friendly activities with friends and family and it might be your most memorable one yet. Potatoes helps renew cells, movement, digestion and brain development. A healthy diet will strengthen your pelvic floor and ensure its proper repair. Below are five of the villains who killed with impunity in the sacred Scriptures. Not every time travelling abroad, Nigeria has a lot of fascinating destinations you haven't discovered yet. Majestic mosques can be found in almost every state in the country. Nigeria is a country of myths and legends passed down from generations. As important as it is for you to see a doctor, you should also include these foods in your daily meal.