The athlete, Alexander Krushelnytsky, who competed in mixed doubles curling with his wife, is the first athlete from Russia to come under investigation for using a banned substance at these games.
Traces of meldonium, a heart medicine that increases blood flow and has been banned at the Olympics since 2016, were found in a routine urine sample. A second test will be conducted to confirm the finding, according to a statement from the Olympic Athletes from Russia, an office representing more than 160 Russian athletes who had been cleared to compete at the games under that name.
Representatives of the group confirmed one of their athletes was under investigation and an official with knowledge of the case but who was not authorized to publicly speak about it confirmed it was him.
The timing could not be worse for Russia.
The nation was barred from the Olympics in December after an investigation into a state-backed doping program that corrupted the 2014 Olympics it hosted in Sochi. Scores of athletes, coaches and officials tainted by the scandal have been barred. The Olympic anthem will be played instead of Russia’s national anthem for any winners of gold medals, although no Russians have won so far.
The Russians allowed to participate in South Korea were subjected to what Olympics officials described as a rigorous testing regimen, and have found themselves under scrutiny from testers as the event has progressed.
“On the one hand it is extremely disappointing when prohibited substances might have been used, but on the other hand it shows the effectiveness of the anti-doping system at the games which protects the rights of all the clean athletes,” the International Olympic Committee said in a statement Sunday.
This article originally appeared in The New York Times.
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