In marriages, life, work, kids, money problems get in the way of having an actual relationship with your spouse and prolonged disconnection breaks down relationships between couples.
According to relationship coach and psychologist, Alduan Tartt, couples should learn to develop certain rituals in other to stay connected everyday. These activities should be planned and infused into your busy schedules; this is one way couples can make their marriages work.
READ: Married couples give 10 tips on how to make your relationship last
Dr Tartt in a short video explained that ‘if couples have rituals that binds them together, they grow and stay connected’.
These rituals can include:
1. Scheduling time to talk in the evening and leaving everything behind.
2. Working out together
3. Going for walks
4. Taking a vacation together
These rituals are activities for couples which mean that immediate family including kids should be left out of the picture.
Watch the video below: