Sadly, this has still not stopped the occurrences of cheating and infidelty.
Upon discovery of this disloyalty, the cheated partner is faced with a question - do I stay, or do I leave this cheating piece of trash?
Perhaps you are at that stage, and you wish to stay with that partner because of the deep-seated love you have for them in your heart, here is how to go about it.
Don’t disregard the infidelity
You might be tempted to act as if nothing happened because that way, you avoid hearing the details of how your partner actually did the cheating.
It also feels less painful if you take that route, but if you do, your bitterness and anger will only worsen.
It is actually better to break the relationship than staying in it and pretending nothing happened.
It happened, and you have to face it at some point.
Confront your partner with the issue, and trash it out. Even if you eventually end up leaving the relationship, you do not leave with the unneeded baggage of unsaid words and unexpressed pain and anger.
Don’t blame yourself
No matter how smooth that cheating partner is with his or her words, you should never be beaten into thinking it is your fault you were cheated on.
It is never your fault that your partner chose infidelity instead of communicating their needs with you or actually ending the relationship.
Don’t seek revenge
Don’t go on social media to rant, don’t give in to that voice telling you to trash their car, or calling them out at their place of work.
It might momentarily feel good, but in the long run, it speaks volumes of your character, and really, you will regret the move afterwards.
As Michelle Obama recently said, “when they go low, [you] go high”
Don’t keep bringing up the issue
Yes, she cheated on you, but you have chosen to forget it and remain in the relationship. Therefore, avoid bringing up the subject every time you have a misunderstanding.
You always have the option of breaking up a relationship after discovering that someone cheated on you; that you choose to stay means you are willing to move on from that glitch and make the relationship work.
Repeatedly beating them with the stick of their past errors will never get that relationship moving towards complete healing, and it will be infinitely better to just break up and move on to someone else, instead of making that your partner feel miserable all the time.
Don’t hurry through the healing process
You will not forget easily, of course, and that is OK. To be cautious and distrustful is fine, given the circumstance.
But you must try your best to allow the trust redevelop. It will be slow and gradual, and you must let it come naturally.
Once bitten, twice shy.