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What your Zodiac sign says today

Here's a short forecast for the 12 zodiac signs.
What your Zodiac sign says today
What your Zodiac sign says today


There’ll be too much tension today! Just try to avoid arguments and power struggles.


Sorry to be the bearer of unfavourable news, Taurus, today won’t be an easy one at work as there’ll be too many  interruptions creating havoc.


Friendships are important. Pay attention to your relations with people you place under the category of friends. You do not want to lose them, do you?


Something unexpected will trigger some spat between you and a family member. Maybe more than one. Rage!


It’s all about ego and power struggles and short tempers.

Keep things light! Look for a common goal with others. That way, you get to skip the unsavoury shouting competitions.


This is an erratic day with a lot of strong, unstable energy.

This means you might find money, lose money or something you own might be lost, broken or taken away from you.


The Sun is opposite your sign and opposing erratic Uranus, plus Mercury is at odds with Pluto. You’d do yourself tons of good if you refrain from angry outbursts and quarrels. Silence!


Today, Scorpio, you get a chance to establish grace under pressure, as far too many people will be irritable, impatient and simply bellicose.


Loads of people will be prone to being impatient and pushy. How to save the day? Be cooperative, tolerant and patient.


Someone, most likely family, might say things that offend or upset you. Don’t lose your cool. Be calm.


Just float through today with a patient look on your face, Aquarius. Don’t be perturbed. Don’t get involved.


You might have a physical accident or maybe utter something you later regret. These things happen some times. Just lighten up, let it go.

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