The singer, obviously humbled by the event, thanked God for a successful music journey in which he’s toured the world, armed with his music and preaching the lyrical gospel of creativity and positivity to his massive fan population the world over.
So as expected, the ‘Celebrate’ crooner switched to celebratory mood. First he made a connection to his ever-supportive fans, releasing a direct phone number (08035527776) for them to make a direct connection to him. He also was available on Twitter, having some bonding moments with his fans, and these lasted between noon and 10pm yesterday. Trust the ladies to take advantage!
Now here’s the best part…
Not content with popping them bottles alone, Waconzy did some sharing. The singer spent a great deal of his time, feeding over 1000 beggars and the less privileged at different areas in Lagos. He also did donate money to them for drugs and relief materials. How sweet!
Well, as every good thing must end, Sunday, today, will have Waconzy having a thanksgiving service at the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). Where he’s sure to have some quality bonding moment with his Maker.
Pictures Below...
In Church