House of Maliq magazine is on a constant mission to annoy Nigerians.
Its latest double covers does a wonderful job at this. I no longer believe this magazine is an expression of art and fashion but a shock value project.
The last House of Maliq magazine cover was a horrible job. It was a waste of time and energy as the people behind the cover made former beauty queen Omowunmi Akinnifesi look like a trashy model.
This time around House of Maliq has set the bar lower. Socialite Tania Omotayo and actress Chioma Akpotha.
Let's start with Tania Omotayo's cover. Why in the world is a cockroach on her body? What kind of concept is this? Who thought this would make sense? Wasn't there any old person in the room that told them this wouldn't make sense?
A colleague of mine jokingly said that the concept of the cockroach on Tania Omotayo has something to do with women overcoming their fears. As absurd as it sounds, maybe this is what the guys at this magazine were trying to achieve. Sadly, the final image is terrible.
ALSO READ: House of Maliq needs to upgrade its cover
Chioma Akpotha's cover was equally bad as well. The famous actress was transformed into a human plant because someone in House of Maliq is a low-key gardener. Where do the jokes end?
The same colleague of mine said that this cover is a symbolism of the popular Snapchat filter. I couldn't agree more. A hilarious concept for a hilarious magazine cover.
These might be alternative covers of the magazine but does it have to stoop so low for Instagram likes and comments? I feel House of Maliq can do better and if it cannot it should cease publishing.