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Prophet Mnguni is notorious for ordering his members to do all sorts of like eating grass, swallowing live snakes, attend church services without wearing underwear and stamping on them in the name of delivery.
Pastor Penuel Mnguni ordering members to eat carpet
Photo Credit: Facebook
The self-styled Prophet Mnguni, in a recent church service and recorded on the church's Facebook page, told his members that he was demonstrating the power of God by commanding the carpet he was standing on to become food, and told them to go ahead and eat it because whatever God declares clean is clean and what was supposed to kill will give life because of the word spoken upon it.
He started by eating it himself and then ordered the members to go down and eat of it, claiming that those who are sick would be healed while others would received their breakthroughs as God can use anything.
Pastor Penuel Mnguni ordering members to eat carpet
Photo Credit: Facebook
Read what was written on the Facebook page of the church:
"For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.
As the man of God, Prophet Penuel, continued demonstrating the power of God. He commanded the carpet he was standing on to be food, whatever God declares clean is clean and what was supposed to kill will give life because of the word spoken upon it.
He started by eating it himself and then fed the congregation, those who were sick were healed and some received their breakthroughs as God can use anything.
To God Be The Glory."
Read the Facebook post here
Photo Credit: Facebook