Angel and Ahneeka are the third pair to be evicted from the Big Brother Naija house.
On Sunday, March 4, 2018, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu announced the pair as the third set to exit the house. Their eviction comes two weeks after Bitto and Princess (Pritto) and Vandora and Dee-One (Van-Dee) were evicted.
About Angel
Angel is a filmmaker and music lover from Bayelsa state. He enjoys martial arts, swimming, playing the guitar and video games.
One of ten children, Angel lost his mum a year ago. He describes himself as passionate, and keeping his fiery and emotional nature under wraps may be a challenge in the House.What irritates him the most about other people: People trying to enforce their opinion as law, everyone should be entitled to their own opinion.What he had promised to bring into the House: The voice of reason.What he would have done with the prize money: Make three films and buy equipment for his studio.
About Ahneeka
Growing up as the middle child of five siblings, Ahneeka has developed a love for unrest: she promised to eliminate “all things dull” by disturbing everyone in the House whilst having bucket loads of fun.
Ahneeka’s biggest feat is of landing a media job despite her engineering background. She says her family is freaked out about her participation yet are fully supportive of her.What irritates her most about people: ‘Bougie’. Generally fake people.What she promised to bring into the BB House: No dull moments and disturbing people a lot.What she would have done with the prize money: She didn't know as at time of entry.
Reactions to the second eviction show
Angel and Ahneeka (Gelah) were up for possible eviction alongside Leo and Ifu (Lifu) and Lolu and Cee - C (Ceelo).
Pulse readers had predicted that Cee-C and Lolu (Ceelo) would be evicted.