Any minute from now the super pop group Psquare might be no more. Peter and Paul Okoye are more than just hit singers, they are A-list celebs.
It's very rare to see A-list celebs these days. How did Psquare do it? How did the group from Jos rise and produce two A-list celebs? This is how they did it.
1. They made expensive videos
There was a time in the music industry when music videos were very low budget affairs. Singers didn't spend time on them because they felt it was a profitable venture. Psquare didn't think so. The group showed a flash on its debut single 'Senorita.'
With the release of its second album, Psquare raised the bar considerably. Videos for 'Busy Body' and 'Get Squared' positioned Psquare as not your everyday celebs. The video made them look larger than life. Psquare has always understood the importance of visuals in branding. With the success of its second album, a new era was born in the Nigerian music industry. Music videos were no longer after thoughts but serious branding tools. Expensive and quality videos made Peter and Paul Okoye larger than life music acts.
2. Expensive mansions
To be recognized as an A-list celebrity just doesn't come with the name, it comes with your assets. Trust me Psquare has one of the finest properties in Nigeria. After a back and forth with their former landlord, Psquare moved into their mansion 'Squareville' at Omole Estate in 2010. It was reportedly worth 200 Million Naira. Peter and Paul Okoye were the first among their contemporaries to do such a thing. The Okoye brothers did not stop there. In 2017, the brothers moved to their super mansion at Park View Estate in Lagos.
ALSO READ: Peter seeks termination of group agreement
3 Their exotic cars
When the money started coming in, Psquare like every other A-list celebrity started buying expensive cars. Till date, they haven't stopped acquiring these toys. From SUV to Sedans. These guys have spent millions of naira buying these exotic cars and a look at their garages will definitely make your jaws drop. These SUVs include Range Rovers, Wrangles, Mercedes Benz G-Wagons and Toyota. Not to forget they have expensive sedans like BMWs and Bentleys. Peter and Paul Okoye were one of the first Nigerian singers to have a Hummer.
4. Their huge fan base
First of all who wouldn't love to be friends or fans with a set of twins. Then imagine these twins having amazing talent. When these guys perform shows both in Nigeria and outside the country, it is always a sold out because everybody wants to see them perform.
On social media alone they have followers in millions! Peter has more than 2 million followers on Instagram alone while Paul's fan base on Instagram is above 1 million followers. Simply put you cannot be an A-list celeb without millions of fans. Peter and Paul Okoye have at least two millions fans in South Africa.
5. They have huge endorsement deals
In 2010, Psquare bagged one of the biggest endorsement deals ever in Nigeria. Telecommunication giant, GLO reportedly signed up the group for over N200M. Psquare doesn't come cheap, they are brand ambassadors for huge multinational companies here in Nigeria and outside the shores. These deals have made them not to just have a front seat on the A-list roll call but also made them a very exclusive brand.
They also have endorsement deals with Skol Beer in Congo. Peter of the Psquare group has an independent deal with Olympic Milk and Adidas. It is reported that they are both worth $120 million and make a show appearance of 10 million naira each.
And that's how Psquare came from the city of Jos to become one of the biggest music groups Africa has ever seen.