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Demons now exist on apps!

A kind-hearted preacher has brought our attention to a demonic app. Thanks Brother Akkan.
One pastor believes demons now operate through phones. Can you believe that?
One pastor believes demons now operate through phones. Can you believe that?

Okay guys, we have some breaking news. There is now an demonic application!

This unique app has been brought to our attention by Brother Gbile Akkan of Peace House Ministries, Gboko, Benue State.

In the public announcement on Facebook, Brother Akkan wrote: “I woke up this morning with a residue of revelation in my spirit. God was pointing me to a phenomenon that has been flapping its wings on social media for a protracted while now.

“Namely, the fact that many, including Christians now practice divination and consult mediums on Facebook. Why would a Christian subject himself to a test that reveals the kind of spouse he will have and the kind of children he will have in the future? Why would a Christian allow Facebook to tell him his personality type and Character traits? Indeed this is nothing short of consulting mediums or practicing divination in broad daylight.

”Why would you give social media so much power and credibility as to depend on it for a proper assessment of yourself and the fate that awaits you in the future? Why would you look to the world for your identity? May God help us to repent from the practice of social media divination in Jesus name.”# DANGEROUS TRENDS# DISTURBING PROCLIVITIES."

The post was titled: “SOCIAL MEDIA DIVINATION."

Wow. I don't even know where to start from.

How far are we going to take this spiritual thing? I can understand telling people to avoid distractions, to use their time for things that influence their spiritual lives positively. I get that.

But to say that there are demonic apps is just taking things too far.

This reminds me of when people do terrible things and then blame the devil for it. The devil is terrible, yes, he is a liar, I agree but common, he does not force us to do things.

He and his agents can plant the thoughts in our heads, try to tempt us (he even tried to tempt Jesus, remember?) but he simply doesn't have the ability to make us do bad things against our will.

Back to the 'demonic app,' thankfully, I am not the only that doesn't agree with Brother Akkan.

I went through the comment section and got these:

One person wrote, "Sir, no serious minded person, not even Christians, believe those things. These are app created by may be a 16 years old boy somewhere in USA as a school project. Where I think you should lend your voice is the area where christian now equalize saying 'amen' to prayers on Facebook as being prayerful. Although no serious christian would say amen to stupid prayer that is probably being posted by an unsaved person. Sir, see @Nyilex Nyilex below being tempted to say you are Jesus already. These are the kind of people that need being worried about."

Another said, " I believe it is more of entertainment than "spiritual Gymnastics", just that some of us who have refused to see it that way may read any meaning to it. No serious minded person would depend on it. Let's treat entertainment as entertainment and "spiritual" as spiritual. Let the Holy Spirit be our gauge. If you don't like it, invest in one that projects Jesus. Instead of criticizing and go and sleep. The bible says "Go ye into the world and preach... ", Christianity is all about Jesus, His love and Finished works. We can't reach the world building walls but bridges. The Facebook we are using to bind devil, prophesy was invented by an atheist. Treat entertainment as entertainment and spiritual as such."

Interestingly, there were more supporters of Brother Akkan. Apparently, many people agree with his post, one went as far as calling him Jesus for it.

Check out what these people have to say.

"Darkness camouflages as light to seduce.. Satan has to appear as an angel so as to deceive many more ppl.. In an age when everything has gone online, don't underestimate the desire of Satan to win souls through sublime deception.. Fortune telling, sorcery, witchcraft, etc have been craftily given a rightful place on social media.. You call it fun right? The music Industry that flaunts nudity and erotic messages is fun. Fornication and adultery is fun. Satan presents sin as fun, then it becomes a normal thing, and then a stronghold.. Fun in itself is not sin, but Satan must present sin as fun and harmless and logically acceptable so as to deceive the gullible..Let me state it categorically clear, if you're vulnerable to all fun, and you're arguing to strengthen your vulnerability, your faith in Christ at this age we find ourselves is not strong enough to resist the wiles of the devil. Listen, Satan may be many things, but he's not foolish.. He has practiced deceit and craftiness for thousands of years..yet we underestimate his ability and desire to populate hell.. Watch and pray, brethren."

"Thank you Daddy, sometimes I am tempted to say you are Jesus. You are different."

"I noticed I always have bad dreams after doing that on Facebook. I became worried after praying about it and the bad dream continue to come, then the spirit told me and I realised it. I stopped and so stopped also the bad dream. I thank you sir for telling us again. It is true."

By the way, this app is called Testony. It is a test-based web app, that provides users with different tests.

These tests cover things like what makes you happy, how you appreciate music, your future relationship, your personality and so on.

You can also create your own tests. One might describe it as something fun to do during your free time. With this info, does it still sound like something demonic? I will let you be the judge.

Meanwhile, demons are not the only ones using the technology. Pastors are also taking advantage of them.

Bishop Daniel Obinim claims to chat with Jesus on Whatsapp. According to the General Overseer of International God’s Way Church, Christ often discusses with him through Whatsapp. Hilarious, right?

While Obinim talks with Christ through a messaging app, his Zimbabwean counterpart, Paul Sanyangore, has God's phone number. (What!!!)

ALSO READ: Dear pastor, what kind of God talks to people over the phone?

The Victory World International Ministries Church pastor says he has God's number and can call whenever he wants. Hmm!

With pastors now communicating with God through their phones, I guess it makes sense for demons to start operating through apps.

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