The currents in some rivers is so strong that it makes them useless to navigate. Same goes for our leaders, who are filled with a huge appetite for greed and selfishness.
Nigeria we hail thee!
We have prayed, argued,protested, cursed and kept quiet whenever the matter of the country arises. As children, we were taught that our country would protect us, make education available and jobs would be created. As we grew, we found out that there were no jobs and you need to be connected to get one.
Our problem in Nigeria is derived from not being able to advance beyond the stature of the leaders what in the past. When Nigeria became independent in 1960, citizens thought that was the end of the journey, when in fact, it should have been the beginning. For independence was granted for the country to be better United.
The responsibility of our leaders is to strive to rise from mediocrity to competence and from failure to achievements. But every year just seems the same as there are no improvement in any of the sector. Sometimes, we tend to ask if our leaders tasks themselves to becoming better in their duties, rather than device new skills in looting public fund without working.
The education sector is getting clumsy every year. Are the leaders discouraging education or what? Then we have the battle of Religion here and there, Fulani herdsmen and their most prized possession (cattles). Telecommunications ripping us of our little money in the name of new tariff plan. Hike in price of fuel and kerosene has become the new way to end the year and resume with it in the new year. It's time we get automobiles and generators that would work with charcoal or sand.
People dedicate January to making goals, discarding old habits and improve resolutions. While our leaders take us back to our long suffering. Reminding us that we haven't improved not just yet, and it isn't happening any time soon. Oh yes! Our leaders love to shine. We cannot dispute that fact. There is the struggle that going on as to who is the greatest, who would get the first rank and so on.
As every four years, there is a struggle as to who would become president. Yet only one man can get the prize of becoming president. My people choose wisely this time around so that the leaders chosen won't get misled and made believe to enjoy himself while on seat rather than to recognize service and learn to say "thank you" to loyal servants. The internal foes of this country has eaten deep into their veins that their huge appetite for selfishness and greed cannot be easily removed. They have no time for meditation. They bask in the glory of their stolen loots, claiming their position is a peculiar one,while the mass cry woes of hardship.
The fact still remains that we need a government stable enough to remain master of its own, resourceful enough to increase economic growth and just enough to protect the citizen from the crushing weight of officialdom.
Written by Odawayi Ukandu.
Odawayi Ukandu is a creative writer, lover of arts&culture, food, traveling and is addicted to cakes and ice cream. You can link me up on Instagram; @odawayi, twitter;@amakaukandu and on my personal blog