It is of popular knowledge that the sole aim of every business organization is to make profit.
The term "every business" includes the church because the church would need a lot of money to organize programs , run its administration and a whole lot of other things. Even a non-governmental organization (NGO) would also want to make profit, but not as much as the everyday business, but as little as they can lay their hands on.
Since the purpose of every business organization is to make profit, business relationship looks at those chains that help a business organization to make profit. They include;
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Employer-Employee Relationship.
If an employer wants to make profit in his business, he has to establish a relationship with his employees and sustain it as much as possible. If the employee desires to remain in the business, he has to establish a relationship with his/her employer. This relationship has to be very mutual and it includes;
1. Better terms and conditions of service.
2. Personal check on the employer or employee to know how he is doing.
3. Encouraging your employee.
The employee in this context also includes your Receptionist, Personal Assistant, Driver, Cleaner, Gateman/Security Guard, etc.
Do you know how awesome it is to find out your "oga" or "madam" called to check up on you? You were absent at work and they called to know why; they called to make sure you are okay instead of ranting. Do you know how awesome that feels? It means, they are very much interested in me as a person, regardless of the business.
If your employer is sick, he won't make it to work. If he lost his mother few hours ago, he won't make it to work. But then, the best way to show that you care is to call.
A friend of mine told me how nice her "madam" has been to her and how she has enjoyed the job over time and grown in it. And she continued by saying "Nothing will make me leave this job. Nothing. This is my final bus stop. I am enjoying this job with my all. My husband has no say in this because he knows how well I enjoy what I do. I have grown in this job. My "madam" has helped me conquer the status quo. What else do I need?"
That employer lost interest in that job when;
*No one called when she was sick.
*No one from the business was in attendance during her father's burial.
*No one attended her wedding.
*No one attended her child dedication.
In this instance, they feel used not loved. They see you (the employer) as a selfish person who is only concerned about the business other than their personal life. They expect you (the employer) to be selfless.
On the other hand, employers of labor are very lonely; very lonely. As long as the job is done and result is given, everyone flees.
No one really cares to ask how we are doing. No one asks how the children are doing. No one really cares how your health condition is. No one really cares how you offset all bills and loss incurred from the business; no one!
These questions are so personal and you don't expect me to be completely open about them (except I decide to) but then, asking will go a long way to show that my Receptionist is so concerned about my well being.
As employers, we never forget that one employee who is so concerned about our well being. That one employee will always win our heart, over and over again. We can pull down this world for that one employee.
Even if you want to walk away from this business to another because of health issues, distance in marriage, distance from home to work, loss of vibe for the business, greener pastures etc. , please, leave on a good note. Don't part away as enemies. Life might shock you tomorrow and the person you saw as an enemy might just be the angel you need.
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Buyer-Seller Relationship
To me, this is the most powerful business relationship. It is as powerful as the business. This can also be called "Good customer service". This has to do with the way you deal with your customers, the way you communicate with your customers, the way you communicate the integrity of your brand to your customers, the reception your customer receives from you. The reception we give to our customers determine their fate towards the business.
A good referral is the most powerful advert a business organization would ever have. In order to earn this good referral, the integrity of your business must be communicated with the way you deal with your customers.
Understand this;
A business is not all about the name, products or buildings. A business is the value it represents. The integrity it stands for. And every business organization must have a good value system, if not, the business will crash.
One of the ways of building a business with a good integrity and value system is by establishing a good business relationship between the employer and employee and between the buyer and seller.
As an entrepreneur, don't discriminate your customers. Don't give preferential treatment to the rich guys and neglect the poor. Don't have selective customer ship.
Customer Service Management will be the next topic I will discuss on this platform. It is quite broad and fascinating.
Hope you enjoyed the article?
Please, do well to comment, share and ask some questions. I can't wait to hear from you.
Written by Chukwuma Aguwa.
Chukwuma Aguwa is an undergraduate law student at Benson Idahosa University, Benin-City, Edo State, Nigeria. Chukwuma is an Entrepreneur and a Business Consultant. You can connect to Chukwuma on Instagram and Twitter as @chumaaguwa and Facebook and LinkedIn as Chukwuma Aguwa.