Legendary actor Bill Cosby was once accused of sexual assault and this is according to a comedian Hannibal Buress.
During a comic show in Philadelphia on October 16, Hannibal called Bill 'a rapist' in his stand-up routine and reports say he meant every single word.
The 33-year-old comedian claimed he just reminded everyone of the 77-year-old's sordid past but in a hilarious manner just to make people laugh.
In the video, Hannibal expressed his incredulity over Cosby’s position as a role model for the black American community, asking his audience if it were thirteen women who accused Bill of sexual assault... He said:
“Thirteen? And it’s even worse because Bill Cosby has the f***ing smuggest old black man public persona that I hate. ‘Pull your pants up, black people; I was on TV in the ’80s. I can talk down to you because I had a successful sitcom! ’Yeah, but you raped women, Bill Cosby, so, turn the crazy down a couple notches.
“‘I don’t curse on stage!’ Well, yeah, you’re a rapist, sooo... I’ll take you sayin’ lots of motherf***ers on if you weren’t a rapist.
“I want to just at least make it weird for you to watch Cosby Show reruns. I’ve done this bit on stage, and people don’t believe. People think I’m making it up. …That sh*t is upsetting. If you didn’t know about it, trust me. You leave here and Google ‘Bill Cosby rape.’ It’s not funny. That sh*t has more results than Hannibal Buress. It doesn’t, actually; if you Google “Hannibal Buress,” you get way more results than if you Google “Bill Cosby rape.”
Looks like Hannibal isn't lying at all. As recently as 2006, Bill reportedly settled with a woman named Andrea Constand who accused him in 2005 of sexual assault; her allegations opened the floodgates and various other women stepped forward with claims of their own.
Details on accusations made against Bill can be found over at Vulture.
What do you guys think, was this joke really funny?