Puffy eyes come as a result of not getting enough sleep, tiredness, could be hereditary, caused by water retention or even a reaction and the list goes on. They are usually nothing to fret about as they come and go although if it persists, it's best to see a physician to rule out an underlying health issue but for most parts, puffy eyes show a sign of tiredness and inadequate sleep.
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There are topical creams etc that works to cure it but if none is available and want a cure fast, this natural home recipe work just perfect for it.
What you need:
Teabags, its best to use green tea
1. Take two teabags (one for each eye)
2. Soak the teabags in cold water for a few minutes
3. Lie down with eyes closed and place teabags gently over each eye
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4. Leave the teabags on for about 15-20 minutes
5. Remove teabags and rinse face with cold water
An alternative is to keep the teabags in the freezer for a few minutes then use as indicated.