While some padding around the stomach is natural, extra belly fat increases your chance of developing serious health problems.
The dangers of excess belly fat:
Unlike subcutaneous fat, which is found just beneath the skin, visceral fat accumulates deeper within the abdomen and around organs such as the liver, intestines, and pancreas. This hidden fat produces inflammatory chemicals that can cause havoc on your body.
Health Risks of Belly Fat:
1. Heart Disease: Visceral fat alters blood sugar homeostasis, increases bad cholesterol, and raises blood pressure, all of which contribute to the development of heart disease.
2. Type 2 Diabetes: Excess belly fat might hinder your body's capacity to use insulin properly, resulting in elevated blood sugar levels and perhaps type 2 diabetes.
3. Certain cancers: Research suggests that belly fat increases the risk of certain cancers, such as colon, breast, and pancreatic cancer.
4. Sleep Apnea: Excess abdominal weight can put a strain on your airways, raising your risk of sleep apnea, a disorder that causes interrupted breathing while sleeping.
5. Other Health Issues: Belly obesity has been associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and depression.
Tummy Trimmers
Tummy trimmers are ideal for reducing belly fat. They are often small and portable, allowing you to exercise at home or on the go.
Many tummy-trimmer machines are easy to use and do not demand a high level of fitness. We found a stomach trimmer for less than ₦4,400 on Jumia. Check it out here.