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Healing Streams: Avalanche of miracles at largest healing crusade with Pastor Chris

<strong><em>#FeatureByLoveworld:</em></strong> It was an unprecedented outpouring of healing miracles, blessings and salvation as the much-talked-about largest healing crusade ever in the world began yesterday.
Healing Streams: Avalanche of miracles at largest healing crusade with Pastor Chris
Healing Streams: Avalanche of miracles at largest healing crusade with Pastor Chris

It was the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris.

In the weeks and months leading up to the Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris, there was much anticipation as people from all over the world published the exceptional encounter with the healing hand of God through the Man of God.

Many prayerfully prepared, publicized the event, partnered towards its success and also prepared places for Healing Centers. The impact reports were gracefully shared during the Road to Healing Streams Live Healing Services.

The day’s service commenced with a session of worship led by the distinctive Loveworld Singers, after which the Director of the Healing School, Pastor Deola Phillips welcomed the global audience to the great moment. She said: “Today is the day that we have anticipated, we have prayed about, we have fasted, we have expected and it’s here. I tell you, you will not leave the way you came and your expectation will not be cut short.”

She went on to open the meeting with prayers and shared from a number of scriptures: Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP), 2 Peter 2:1-2 and Luke 10:5. She explained how God’s desire is for everyone to dwell in peace and how the healing streams will surely flow peaceful waters all over the world. She defined peace as “perfect wellbeing, all necessarily good; freedom from agitating passions, fear and conflict.”

She also told the audience “peace can be delivered to you with words. And that’s why we’re here in this programme, to bring God’s peace to you; in your house, in your home with words of the spirit.”

She encouraged all to be sensitive and actively partake in every segments; yielding to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

This segment was followed by a stirring session of worship, after which, Pastor Deola was joined on set by a senior minister of the Healing School, Reverend Tom Amenkhienan, as they discussed the testimonies emanating from the last edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services held in July.

Reverend Tom defined it as glorious, phenomenal and yet the best as there were miracles all the way. He shared several remarkable testimonies, of those who received healing.

One of such testimonies was from Seraphin, who lives in India, and diagnosed of aplastic anemia. This led to bleeding from her gums, an irregular bleeding which caused her severe pains and fatigue, and eating disorder. With great faith, she participated at the July Live Healing Services, where she received total healing.

Other callers from India and the Philippines, according to Reverend Tom, were as excited as Seraphin to share their encounter with the Holy Spirit with the live audience.

Prophesying to the participants, he said “the power of God is going to come to where you are, get ready to testify”

Reverend Ray, another senior Minister of the Healing School, who hosted live calls from participants around the world. In Northern Ireland, the callers were geared up and excited for the Live Healing as miracles had already begun; they recorded the miracle of salvation!

Reverend Ray inspirited participants with these words, “keep your expectations very high, as the Lord will surely fulfill them. Today is your day and the Lord is ready waiting for you, step up into the streams and receive your miracle.”

The next segment facilitated by Evangelist Eddy Owase, also a senior minister of the Healing School, starred astounding testimonies with live testifiers from all over the world either present in the arena or calling in live to share their stories.

Fifteen year old Prisca Mosike was one of the live testifiers. What started as ordinary head and stomach pains, led to a year-and-a-half long rollercoaster of treatments.

The doctors treated her of malaria and typhoid for over a month, but her condition worsened. Eventually, she was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus, the doctors recommended a six month therapy; which she underwent, yet no change. During this period she faced severe effects, such as not being able to urinate or defecate, loss of hair and appetite, fainting at unexpected times and consistent blood loss.

Prisca was confined indoors and commenced a new phase of treatment where she required bi-weekly blood transfusion. When things got worse, the doctors recommended dialysis. At this point her family was at the verge of giving up. They heard of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services, and registered her for this life-changing experience.

This was her final destination. As Prisca was ministered to by Pastor Chris, instantly, things metamorphosed!

The final testifier for the segment was the renowned Duel Orok, a pilot whose ordeal started from an erroneous appendicitis surgery. The young man underwent eight operations and had lost 80% of his intestines which were removed during these surgeries. Duel, became totally incapacitated, unable to move and became dependent on family members for basic things. He was in dire need of a miracle.

Duel’s moment of change came as Pastor Chris ministered to the global audience during the July 2022 Healing Streams Live Healing. The hand of God in the life of a man was the case here as he was immediately able to remove the 14 support tubes connected to his body and walk!

The tales of triumphs from these testifiers are inexhaustible. Evangelist Eddy Owase, charged the global audience to be expectant: “This is your own moment, this is your day, there is no limitation, anywhere you are, you can receive a miracle.”

The power of God cut through borders and boundaries and testimonies were already gushing in, and many more were expectant for their miracle.

The Loveworld Singers, led soul-stirring worship to usher in the Man of God Pastor Chris. The atmosphere was totally charged up by the Holy Spirit, there were awe-inspiring lyrics, holy hands lifted up, and tears rolled down effortlessly in heartfelt worship that was led by Pastor Chris.

Exhortation followed this segment, with Pastor Chris teaching of the greatest revelation of God. He said “The greatest revelation of God that was ever communicated to human beings was in Jesus Christ. That’s why He was called the son of God.”

He said this revelation changed everything that was known of God, as it proved God’s love and care for the human race.

Pastor Chris explained how, when a Christian is born again he receives that same life; that resurrection life. He further reiterated, “not only does Jesus gave us this wonderful eternal life, He also came to live in us through the Holy Spirit.

"When you receive the Holy Spirit, the Bible says you don’t live by the world standard, your body doesn’t live by blood or all the plumbing inside. It no longer lives by the same life it had when you were born of your parent. When you receive the Holy Spirit, this Holy Spirit makes your mortal body come alive. You live differently; by the spirit not by blood.”

Then the moment came, Pastor Chris began ministering to participants in the studio, those watching on the screen and people everywhere. The Blind regained their sight, stretchers were thrown away, deaf ears popped open; what a continuation of the works of Jesus!

Brandon, in South Africa, was one of the thousands who testified of God’s blessing as a result of the service. He had carried a pain in his left hip for several months, which affected his sleep and movement. His time for change came during the worship session led by the Loveworld Singers. He can now freely move his hip without pain and stands effortlessly.

What a service! Truly, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! Divine encounters in many nations and cities as the spirit of God touched all who made themselves available.

The Healing Streams is a wave of God’s love and this wave continues on Saturday, November 5, 2022, 2:30 p.m. (GMT+1) on the Healing Streams TV (www.healingstreams.tv) and the Healing School Mobile App.

There is no limitation to the ministry of the Spirit; there are no boundaries, or barriers of time, space, or location. Everywhere you are, the power of God will locate you. It’s your time to be healed.



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