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These countries allow women to marry more than 1 man

Here are countries that are cool with having more than one partner.

While most countries are only open to monogamy and polygamy forms of marriage, a few cultures around the world permit polyandry, allowing a woman to marry more than one man.

The idea of a man marrying as many women as possible isn’t uncommon in many parts of the world. However, it is also not unusual for women to marry more than one man at a time. It may be rare, but it is certainly not prohibited in some countries and cultures around the world.

Although according to a few research, the practice has been put to an end in some countries. There are a few countries where it is still practiced to date.

According to such cultures, it is believed that when a woman marries more than one man, it limits the population growth of humans, while improving child survival.

1) Kenya

While polyandry isn’t explicitly prohibited or forbidden under the law in Kenya, it’s not an uncommon practice.

Polyandry marriage in Kenya was first heard of in 2013 when two men got tired of fighting over a woman and decided they were both going to get married to her.

The good part is that she couldn’t even make up her mind on which man she wanted, so it was a good reason to marry all three of them.

2) India

Polyandry is quite popular in the Nothern parts of India by Paharis in the Jaunsarbawar region and some parts of Kinnaur, Himachal.

This practice started with the descendants of Pachi Pandavas (five brothers who married the Draupadi, the daughter of a king, King Pachanla), who believed it was their duty to carry on with the family tradition.

3) China

Most of the families in the Tibet tribe of China are poor, so polyandry marriage is mostly encouraged to the challenges of dividing their inheritances among all the offspring of separate fathers. This way, they get to keep their properties whole rather than splitting.

And last but not the least... Chad

This African country also believes in polyandry. It is legalized and common even among the Christians there.

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