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2-minute french toast in a cup

Who doesn’t enjoy last minute snack, which is even quicker and easier and more delicious
french toast in a cup
french toast in a cup

Who’s got the munchies? Who doesn’t enjoy last minute snack, which is even quicker and easier and more delicious you can even eat on a regular basis.

It’s French toast in a cup, made in your microwave and topped off with a generous squirt of syrup. So please, grab a slice of bread and enjoy this microwave-able treats.

First you need bread. You’ll need one or two pieces of bread per cup.

Cube your bread. Get your cup or cups ready. Butter the inside, either rub a pat of butter around, or you can melt the butter in a microwave and slosh it around.

Place the bread in the cup of your choosing. Smooch it down a bit but don’t compact it so much because you need the liquid to be able to work its way in.

Now in a separate cup or ramekin do the following:b-crack and egg into it-add 3 tablespoons of milk-sprinkle cinnamon-if you like your French toast really sweet, add a single drop of vanilla extract.

Mix it all together with a fork.

Pour the mixture into your cup/cups. Smooch it a little, and give it a minute to soak down into the bread.

Now stick your cup in the microwave. Start with one minute, then add ten seconds at a time until it’s cooked to your liking (no runny eggs).

Add syrup. You have to have syrup. Or whip cream.


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