Boli is one amazing Nigeria street food that we only get to eat when we stumble on one.
Made with semi ripe plantain in most cases and consumed with groundnut or pepper sauce, Boli can either be taken as a snack or as a main dish, depending on the number of plantain fingers you can consume.
However, getting this delicious snack can be a little bit of a burden because we have to wait till a certain time of the day and get to a certain location to get it.
Anyway, rather than wait and stress over getting one, if you've got an oven or a microwave at home, just do it yourself.
1. Plantain
1. Rinse the plantain and peel off the skin
2. Put the plantain on the grill rack. Set oven to 180°C.
3. Grill for about 10 minutes, making sure both sides of the plantain is well grilled.
That's all you need. Enjoy your Boli!