Whether it is unripe, overripe or ripe, there are many things to consider before you eat banana.
An unripe banana has a great source of probiotics. Probiotics provide your body with much-needed gut bacteria that help with digestion. Also, women with PH imbalance in the vagina need a lot of probiotics.
Barely ripe
A barely ripe banana has high fibre content and low sugar, which means that it won’t let you gain a lot of weight.
A ripe banana has a lot of antioxidants. This means it protects your body from diseases.
Very ripe
A very ripe banana has the lowest concentration of minerals and vitamins. When you are eating an overripe banana, it doesn’t do your body any good.
An over-ripe banana has the highest sugar and lowest fibre content. It’s not very good for your health.