The way you start your day goes a long way in determining how you're going to end it.
Here are some habits that are capable of ruining your day.
1. Checking your phone
The first thing most people do when they wake up is pick up their phones to check what's new on social media. Social media is full of bad news that can put you in a sore mood for the rest of the day and leave you feeling stressed and anxious.
To overcome this habit, leave your phone in a place where you won't be able to easily reach for it right after waking up.
2. Hitting the snooze button
When the alarm rings signaling the start of a new day, we are always tempted to hit the snooze button. A few more minutes of sleep won't hurt anyone, right? This simple habit can effectively ruin your entire day.
It can make you late for work and keep you behind schedule for the day. Also, when you decide you want some extra time in bed, your body enters a new sleep cycle which you never get to finish. This will cause you to be groggy and may affect your focus for the day.
3. Skipping breakfast
There are solid reasons why breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A lot of people tend to skip breakfast for different reasons, but this habit can affect your productivity for the day.
Breakfast kickstarts your metabolism for the day, and when you bail on your first meal, you are likely to overeat at your next meal or snack on unhealthy meals.
Apart from that, skipping breakfast denies you the energy boost you need to start your day and get through it. This will make you feel tired, edgy, frustrated, and generally unproductive.
4. Eating too much carb for breakfast
Eating a carb-heavy breakfast will only provide you with energy for a short time and cause you to feel tired once your blood sugar crashes. Instead, opt for a protein-rich breakfast that will keep you filled and provide long-lasting energy.
5. Not making your bed
Making your bed immediately after getting out of it is a very simple habit that can set you up for success and leaves you with a feeling of accomplishment you need to start your day. It is also a great way to keep your space neat and spur yourself to be more productive.
6. Leaving the curtains closed
Research has shown that natural sunlight releases cortisol in the body which helps you concentrate and give you a sound mind throughout the day. Also, when you start your day in the dark, your body clock might get confused and think it's still nighttime and not a time to be awake.
7. Taking a hot shower
When you take a hot shower, your body relaxes and sends you back into a sleepy state. Instead, take a cold shower to wake you up and help you feel alert and energized.