In Nigeria, everyone is religious and many things are attributed to the creator. Cutting across all the religions - Christianity, Islam and traditional worship - one thing is certain: many Nigerians feel religion should always take center stage.
But many have been put down with the over dependence on religion where things that should be tackled through other means are left to be handled by God, with the belief that 'with God, all things are possible'.
Another thing with our people is the absolute faith in men of God. A point in case here is the fact that people who attend a particular denomination think that is where God lives and other denominations are not doing the right thing.
Most men of God themselves have equated their powers with that of God, claiming to have the panacea to all human problems.
But could this be the solution to the myriads of problems facing Nigeria? On Morning Teaser today, we ask: is religion a blessing or a problem in Nigeria?