Asiyanbi won his third award in play-writing from BBC International Play-writing Competition shortly after the cinema release of ‘Chief Daddy.’
The trained Biochemist and graduate of the University of Ife, ended 2018 on a high by winning the Georgi Markov prize for the most promising script, in the BBC International Play-writing Competition.
ALSO READ: EbonyLife TV premieres 'Chief Daddy' with over 40 movie stars in attendance
The prize is in honour of BBC World Service journalist and writer Georgi Markov, who championed freedom of creative expression.
According to BBC, Bode's interest in writing grew after he was selected as one of the winners in the now defunct BBC African Performance radio drama series.
In 2005, he won BBC Africa Performance Play-writing competition with the play 'Big Dialed'
Six years after, in 2011, the young Nigerian again won BBC Africa Performance Play-writing competition with the play 'Shattered.'