In a recent interview with Jara, actress Mbong Amata opened up why her marriage with Jeta Amata crashed.
The hot Nollywood actress married Jeta Amata in 2008. She separated from the filmmaker in 2013 and divorced him in 2014.
Speaking about her split from Jeta Amata she said "I had dreams and aspirations as a young girl and I had my career ahead of me though I got into marriage at a very young age. At some point one had to give way for the other."
Jeta and Mbong have one child, a daughter. She is 7 years old. In February, Jeta Amata gave his own version on what led to their separation.
"Mbong got tired because I didn’t give her as much room as I should have. She is an actress, I’m a director, I insist on the kind of job she should take.
"Someone calls her from Nigeria “hey, can you fly down to Nigeria for this”? I ask for the script, and I’m like “no way”.
"Her first film was the ‘The Amazing Grace’. It went international. After going everywhere and putting Mbong in front of the kind of audience that I did, I felt she needed to do a bigger film than ‘The Amazing Grace’.
"So I kept blocking every smaller film that were offered to her" said Jeta Amata during his interview on My Africa Podcast.
Watch Pulse TV video also, too get more on nollywood actress Lilian Esoro.