Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM) is definitely
This is probably due to what they have become known for, which is the 'die by fire' tag line.
Pulse Nigeria has done a little digging to see what else we can discover about one of the most popular churches in this country.
Here are seven interesting things I learnt from MFM's website.
1. MFM started with a prayer meeting: In 1989, Dr. Daniel Kolawole Olukoya (DKO) held a prayer meeting in his home. Reportedly, only 24 people showed up. However, this number grew and grew until a bigger place was needed. After a while, the meetings moved from Olukoya's living room to 60 Old Yaba Road, Yaba, Lagos. Eventually, an abandoned place at 13 Olasimbo Street, Onike, Yaba was bought and turned into what we now know as the International Headquarters of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries. Side note: Cherubim and Seraphim (C & S) also started with a prayer group.
2. The church's name was given to the overseer: The church's website states that the name, "Mountain of Fire & Miracles Ministries", was revealed to the overseer, DKO. He received while praying. On April 24, 1994, the church held its first service as MFM.
3. Praying is definitely their thing: Most churches have their thing. Some are known for jaw dropping miracles (did someone say SCOAN?), others are known for prosperity sermons (you guys know yourselves), but MFM is definitely about praying. Not just any kind of prayer, but the 'aggressive' kind, as the church's website puts it. Anyone who visits the website will see that "prayer goes on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, non-stop" in this church.
4. MFM is proudly an 'end-time' church: Most think of bizarre miracles when the word, endtime, comes up. However, MFM has a different take on it. According to the church's website, "MFM is an end-time church where we build an aggressive end-time army for the Lord." Thus, the vision is to "to build an aggressive end-time army for the Lord."
5. This church has no interest in the world: On the site, it states that "it is not a worldly Church." This makes sense when you consider what the church is about. No wonder it is constantly attacking indecent dressing in the church.
ALSO READ: MFM founder warns congregation to beware of false prophets
6. MFM cares a lot about deliverance: Apart from praying, another thing the church is concerned with deliverance. The church cares about this so much that it states that "If you do not believe in deliverance, you are not supposed to be in MFM." Okay, good to know.
7. This church is a do-it-yourself ministry: Unlike other churches, where members are made to depend on their pastors, MFM apparently believes in giving their people all the tools they need. As the church's website puts it, it is a place "where your hands are trained to wage war and your fingers to do battle."
After learning all of these things, I just have one question. Does everything have to die by fire?