In 2017, Brittni De La Mora, previously known by her stage name Jenna Presley, wrote a very important blog post titled: ‘Overcoming An Addiction To Pornography.’
Here, she shared tips on how to deal with this problem. They are:
Block those sites
Pastor Mora’s major advice is to find a system that blocks you from going onto pornographic websites. This will ensure that you can not get into those sites if temptation comes calling.
Find a church
Pastor Mora encourages anyone struggling with an addiction to porn to “get plugged into Church.” She also advises people to also make friendships and look for ways to serve in this church.
Study the word on a daily basis
In order to deal with the mind where the addiction lies, she recommends reading the Bible and praying every single day. This should be accompanied by great praise and worship music.
Be accountable to someone
To ensure that you are dealing with the problem properly, Pastor Mora’s advice is to get an accountability partner. Preferably, someone, you respect like a church leader, for instance. Doing this will give you stability.
Free yourself from shame, guilt, and regret
In her words, “Do Not feel ashamed. Jesus died to give us freedom over our mistakes so don’t allow your mistakes to hold you as a prisoner to your past.
“Walk into your future, and if you slip up, don’t beat yourself up. Just get back up again.”
Prayer to overcome porn addiction
In her post, Pastor Mora notes that this is one of those taboo subjects that the church rarely addresses.
She writes, “this is such a taboo addiction simply because it is glorified in the world and not spoken about enough in the Church. Whether you’re a male or female, if you are addicted to porn, you are not alone. The Adult Industry is a multibillion-dollar industry for a reason.”
She acknowledges that porn addiction is simply an escape. One that can not fix the problem, adding that “only Jesus can do that.”
In her words, “What I have learned is that like any addiction, pornography is an escape. It is an escape from boredom and an escape from pain. Addiction can bring forth an external euphoria that makes one forget about their internal trauma.
…When our heart is in pain, but we can’t find the healer, then we will naturally look for a quick fix to numb the pain. Aspirin will not cure a toothache, only the dentist can do that. Pornography will not cure a heartache, only Jesus can do that.”
De La Mora also shared this prayer for anyone who is seriously looking for help.
It reads: “Father, I am powerless over this addiction, but you are not. I ask that you would forgive me of my sins and heal my broken heart. Right now, I forgive all who have hurt me.
“Jesus, I make you my Lord and Savior and I pray that you would transform me and restore my purity and innocence to me. I command the spirit of addiction and lust to leave my life now in Jesus name.
“Lord I thank you because 2 Corinthians 5:17 calls me a new creation in Christ. The old has passed away and the new has come for me. I am a new creation. I am not a product of my past nor my mistakes. In Jesus name, Amen.”
We hope this helps you overcome this issue.