It is shocking to hear about a digital currency. It depends on technology instead of the government or banks. If cryptocurrencies excite you and you want to learn about them, you are at the right place. You can download and can start trading cryptocurrencies.
What are cryptocurrency and blockchain?
In basic terms, a cryptocurrency is a digital currency or digital asset that uses blockchain technology and computer code to operate without depending on any third party: any government, individual, bank, or company.
It requires no one to manage the network or system but only requires blockchain technology. A blockchain is a public ledger that keeps track of all the transactions that ever take place on the crypto network. A shared ledger maintains all the crypto transactions across a massive network of computers or nodes that link each other across a distributed network.
Transactions that take place in the crypto network get collected in groups that are known as blocks. Each block gets attached to the previous block that forms a chain of blocks known as the blockchain. All the blocks contain a historical record of the crypto transaction.
Thus, Bitcoin became the first digital currency that got introduced in the market. The main motive of developing bitcoin was to offer people a digital payment method to process low-cost and fast transactions. Censorship-resistant, faster and cheaper transactions are the main aim behind developing bitcoin.
After bitcoin, many crypto assets got introduced in the market and today, there exist thousands of cryptocurrencies. But today, people use bitcoin for investing, trading, and lending purposes more than using it as a medium of exchange.
Another primary use of bitcoin or blockchain technology is speculation. Investors invest in cryptocurrencies hoping that their price will increase and the holders of cryptocurrencies will earn good profits in the long term.
Characteristics of cryptocurrencies
The vision behind developing cryptocurrencies is to introduce people to an electronic currency system that allows peer-to-peer transactions and doesn't involve any individual or central authority.
Cryptocurrencies allow cheap and fast transactions as compared to other currencies or payment methods. The main features of cryptocurrencies include:
The cryptocurrencies are transparent as the code is open source and is readily available for modification and redistribution. The main benefit is that each crypto transaction gets timestamped to the blockchain, which develops ownership of digital assets.
Cryptography is the term from which the term “crypto” got derived. The term cryptocurrency is the amalgamation of terms cryptography and cryptocurrency. Each cryptocurrency uses cryptography to secure the transfers and information of transactions.
Cryptocurrencies tend to use public-key cryptography, where a public key is a key that users can share with other users to transfer funds.
Along with the Public Key, there is a private key that users must never share with other users. Users can access and send money or crypto coins to other users using the private key. It is more like a password or PIN that users must not share. Private Key secures the cryptocurrencies, and users use this Key to sign the digital transactions.
The design of crypto protocols got done to ensure that all its users kept the entire system running. For instance, bitcoin miners use high-power computers to verify bitcoin transactions, and in return for compensation for their work, they earn newly minted bitcoins. Thus, it is how the miners get incentives to continue doing hard work and verifying bitcoin transactions.
What to consider before investing in cryptocurrencies?
There are various things that you must consider that include:
Developer activity
Crypto protocols that have a large ecosystem of developers are often known as better projects. It means that multiple people get engaged in maintaining the code and make it work in a better way.
Use cases
Make sure to know about the active users of the crypto network. Know if the project deals with any real problem?
The team
Knowing about the team behind the project of cryptocurrency is challenging but extremely useful.