Tomatoes are great natural bleaching agents when used as skincare 'products'. Here are two ways to use them to lighten the skin without any side effects.
On this episode of Pulse Daily, makeup and beauty items that are best kept cool in a fridge are up for discussion, find out products that need to be stored this way.
A lot of people - ladies and gents- find treating acne extremely difficult but most times, all required are products that work as some acne are not serious - they only require simple routines with the right products. Check out 5 affordable ones for ALL skin types.
The primary cause of bad breath is the build up of bacteria at the back of the tongue or between the teeth and this usually forms an embarrassing situation but these home remedies help to tackle it
Non-greasy moisturizers are best for oily skin reduces. So always moisturize even when you have oily skin just choose your products wisely, here are top guides...
While in skincare, toning is done to keep skin looking its best, a more extreme approach is bleaching which is frowned upon! But both are usually confused for each other.