We already have excellent ED treatments that work, says Tobias Khler, M.D., a Mayo Clinic urologist. But theyre not immediate and often require effort-as in exercising, losing weight, or quitting smoking. So researchers keep looking for that quick fix that will lead to boners on demand.
<strong> 7:00 A.M. </strong> <strong> Wake up exhausted </strong> If youre too busy to snooze, its your erection youll lose. Its a terrible rhyme, but the science is airtight. Even in younger men, less than five hours of shut-eye per night could slash daytime testosterone levels by up to 15 percent.
Nollywood actor, Junior Pope Odonwodo, tragically lost in a boat accident in Anam River, Anambra State, has been gracing television screens for years with his amazing presence and talents.
In a parallel universe, Kurt Russell the actor doesnt exist. His classic movie roles, like John The Hangman Ruth in The Hateful Eight and Snake Plissken in Escape From New York, never happened or were played by somebody else. All those awesome eyepatches, mullets, and shaggy mustaches never made it onto celluloid.
Theres an old saying: If you treated your wife like you treated your hooker, youd have the worlds strongest marriage. Not familiar with that chestnut? Well, then you probably havent talked to enough prostitutes. Yes, they say things like that. And theyre not kidding.
Nollywood actor, Junior Pope Odonwodo, tragically lost in a boat accident in Anam River, Anambra State, has been gracing television screens for years with his amazing presence and talents.
Not so long ago, <a href="https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/a25308984/fit-men-cook-kevin-curry-behind-the-scenes/" id="33567522-3e0a-3213-aa54-3929a852f3e5"> Kevin Curry </a> was living with his parents in Dallas-he'd lost his tech job and his savings in the 2008 crash-and was struggling with chronic depression. His doctor prescribed him antidepressants, but the pills could only do so much. He was also overweight, despite going to the gym several times a week, because he too often ate...