Mexico has been identified by the Vatican, as the most Latin American country for clergymen. Recently, Father Francisco Javier Gutiérrez was killed in Salvatierra, Guanajuato.
Christian Post reports that “Cousins and were jailed for nearly 30 hours for such a refusal, and after they were released they were told to vacate their homes.”
A group of Christians who planned to meet and discuss about the persecution of Christians in Hidalgo State, Mexico, were allegedly threatened with death, by government officials.
According to International Christian Concern Advocacy Manager, Jennifer Salcido'It is time that the Mexican government provide justice and protection for victims of religious persecution while dealing with local and/or state officials that are part of the problem. A slow wave of religious persecution has been sweeping across Mexico, and the culture of corruption and lack of accountability that surrounds religious freedom cases needs to end.'
Adding that 'A free society cannot flourish when religious persecution exists, and this issue has gone on for far too long while the world has looked the other way. Every citizen of Mexico has a right to practise their faith without the fear of being driven from their homes simply because of what they believe.'