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What your Zodiac sign says today

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zodiac sign

Wondering what life has in store for you today? Compiled by Horoscope.com, here's a short forecast for the 12 zodiac signs.

Aries: You are bound to feel more vulnerable than usual. It could be a decision about an activity you can't put off or you're a little overwhelmed by your activities. It's a day to make a little bit of progress, there's no need to look back.

Taurus: It's a busy day in your life. Some matters are becoming more urgent than others and need to be settled soon. It's also a time to rest, understand that these situations are bound to take a toll on your physical health sooner.

Gemini: People close to you are bound to get on your nerves so expect today to be a little tense at your end. You might be criticized for some efforts made but you should understand that you don't owe anyone any favor. Learn to express yourself calmly.

Cancer: Your life choices are might be questioned today but you have to stand firm by your decisions. There are some things you can exist comfortably without, know them and discard. You'll realize that you're more effective when you do. Set yourself free!

Leo: Find the roots of your existing problems and take a huge leap in order to find a lasting solution. This is a leap of faith especially when it has to do with a cause.

Virgo: Drive out every form of fear and anger you feel today. You need this in order to make certain decisions with a clear mind especially your professional life. It's an action you have to take fast because you have fewer choices as each day rolls by.

Libra: Your life is about to change as a result of your ideas. Rather than complain about the change, embrace it and ask for more. This is no time to be sloppy, there's serious work to be done.

Scorpio: There'll be clarity in certain areas of your life today; it could be your professional or personal life. It's a time to take action and rectify all that should be done. There's no need to slow down, you'll grow cold feet if you do.

Sagittarius: It's time to keep your feet on the ground, you've been floating in the air for a while now, dream of possibilities. While is good to wait and hope, it doesn't work for every situation. What you need to do is take action especially where your future is concerned. It's important!

Capricorn: There may be a bit of pressure on you in the past week.  It could be from work or home. You need to retrace your steps and make a fresh start.

Aquarius: Some plans you made are starting to materialize which is making your heart beat faster than normal. It could be that you’ve fallen in-love with someone or maybe progress at work. This is enough drive to push you towards your desired goal.

Pisces: it's a day to free yourself from all that bothers you including family. Tread carefully today even when the road looks clear enough. Some resolutions you take today could affect your future.

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