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3 fears that make single people settle for less

Major reasons why people enter into relationships that are doomed to fail before they're even begun.
Why people settle for less than they feel they deserve in relationships
Why people settle for less than they feel they deserve in relationships

Love seems to be everywhere you turn to but has somehow managed to avoid you.

You have an account on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and some other social media platforms where people proudly share their love stories, narrate how they met and post the most adorable pictures from dates, staycations and baecations.

Somehow though, you remain single and you become desperate to find someone... anyone... even though you know he/she will not be good for you and would not even meet the barest minimum standard you have set for a ideal partner.

According to psychotherapist Julian Hogan, these are three major fears that drive people into making this kind of unhealthy decision.

1. The fear of being alone forever

When people become scared that they'd never meet anyone, or that they'll forever be alone, the make themselves take any partner that comes their way.

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2. I'm not attractive enough

When people are single for long enough, they look for explanations, and they usually come to the usually-wrong conclusion that they are not good-looking or smart enough to be considered by people of the opposite sex.

3. There aren't good guys/babes out there

Some other times, people let their bad experiences cloud their good judgement. So ladies go with any guy that comes because afterall, "all guys are cut from the same fabric of cheating, lying and scummery."

Guys get single long enough and settle for a troublesome woman because in the end, "every woman nags."

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