Dear reader,
Hi. I just got into a relationship not quite long ago.
I love this guy but I have this doubt that he truly loves me. I think this way because whenever we have our alone time - just the two of us in the room - he always want to have sex. I don't really like it because I feel the relationship is still very young to start having sex.
I talked with him about the sex thing. What he said was that I don't really love him, I don't care about his feelings but that's so not true. So I had sex with him just to prove to him that I love him. I'm sad about it.
This is where the doubts comes in. So please I want you to help me to know if he truly loves me. Having sex at the early stage of the relationship does it mean anything? Will it make him love me more or love me less?__________
Dear reader,
Having different ideas about sex before beginning a relationship is something that happens all the time and it something you should first know your stand point on before entering into the relationship at all.
Knowing where you stand will help you decide who you can date and who you cannot. Anyone whose sexual ideologies do not align with yours, which is what your boyfriend sounds like, should not be dating you. In other words, you should not be allowing yourself date someone whose idea of sex and engagement in sex differs from yours significantly.
Having sex at the early stage of a relationship does not mean anything bad, so far it is what you really want to do. If your man constantly blackmails you or forces or threatens or harms you into sex, that is so so wrong and you have to leave.
If you do not want sex, you should not do it, even if it is to prove a point to someone. The right person won’t require a proof with something you are not comfortable with.____________
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