When we talk about smart birds, the first image that comes to mind is that of parrots.
Mention the word "parrot," and most Nigerians would picture a chatty bird mimicking human speech. But, while parrots' "talking" skills are undoubtedly impressive, they're just one of the many intelligent birds out there in the wild.
Let's look at a few of them below:
Mockingjays rightfully deserve a high spot in the conversation about the smartest birds. They display an impressive range of intelligent behaviours. If you are a fan of The Hunger Games, you would recognise this remarkable bird as a symbol.
Mockingjays are known for their incredible vocal mimicry; they can flawlessly copy the calls and songs of other birds, even imitating car alarms and human speech. They also possess advanced social intelligence and the ability to learn from past experiences.
Crows and ravens
These corvids are well-known for their problem-solving skills, tool use, and ability to recognise human faces. They can remember complex tasks, understand cause-and-effect relationships, and even plan for the future.
Particularly African Grey Parrots, these birds have exceptional vocal mimicry and language comprehension. They can learn hundreds of words and understand their meanings, even displaying basic grammatical understanding. Quite impressive!
The Kea is a mountain parrot native to New Zealand. These mischievous parrots are known for their playful and curious nature. They can solve complex puzzles, manipulate objects to get what they want, and even display a sense of humour.
Clark's Nutcracker
This North American bird boasts an incredible memory. They can store thousands of seeds in hidden locations and retrieve them months later, even under deep snow.
Eurasian Magpie
The Eurasian Magpie is a strategic thinker, showcasing an ability to plan for the future. These birds are known to store and cache food, displaying foresight and an understanding of delayed gratification.
Other notable mentions
Woodpeckers, finches, and even pigeons exhibit impressive cognitive abilities in specific areas like tool use, spatial awareness, and communication.