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10 most Instagrammed locations in the world

We know this places are for rich people, but we are still showing your regardless.

We know so many Nigerian youths are planning to travel a lot this year and we have compiled a list (as provided by Instagram) for 10 most instagrammed places in the world. Because let's be honest what is travel without Instagramming and telling the world about it.

1. Disney Properties, USA

2. Universal Properties, USA

3. Central Park, NYC, USA

4. Times Square, NYC, USA

5. Eiffel Tower, Paris

6. The Louvre, Paris

7. Las Vegas Strip

8. Santa Pier, California, USA

9. Brooklyn Bridge, NYC, USA

10. VDNKh (Vystavka Dostizheniy Narodnogo Khozyaystva), Moscow

Just in case, small change enter your hand. Visit countries in Africa instead please.

ALSO READ: Gambia is the country everybody will be visiting in 2017

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