Hey, Muslim faithful, the Holy Month of Ramadan is upon us again. It is the most anticipated period in the Islamic calendar.
It's indeed a month filled with blessings, rewards, and answered prayers. But while it's such an important period for all of us, we must also stay healthy until the end.
You already know that fasting carries a high risk of dehydration since food and drinks are limited to before sunrise and after sunset.
Furthermore, the need to wake up very early for suhoor (pre-dawn meal) can cause sleep deprivation, especially for professionals who must maintain dedication and intensity at their workplaces.
But you can still stay healthy through it if you know what to do. Here are useful tips for a healthier Ramadan fast this period.
Don't skip suhoor (pre-dawn meal)
There's a reason Islamic laws recommend this meal just before your fast starts. After all, breakfast has always been such an important meal. But it becomes even more important during Ramadan.
Although the idea of prioritizing sleep over the early morning meal so you can get a little more sleep may sound enticing, don't fall for it.
Skipping this meal forces your body to rely on yesterday's meal to provide the nutrients and energy you'll need throughout the day. This can make you too tired and dehydrated to do anything throughout the day.

Avoid the urge to overeat during iftar (dinner)
The hunger that comes with skipping different meals during the day often tempts people to overeat when it's time to break their fast. Don't fall for this temptation because it can harm your body.
ALSO READ: Ramadan is almost here! Here's all you need to know about Muslims fasting month
While breaking your fast, focus more on eating a well-balanced, nutritious meal than on overeating.
Remember that overeating can cause indigestion and other similar illnesses. Slow down and enjoy every bite of your meal.
Avoid high-sugar foods and excessive fries
One common trend we often see when people break their fast is the tendency to reward themselves with rich, greasy, sugary and fried meals. Of course, these foods are typically sweet and will make you feel good at the moment.
But the truth remains that they can make the next day more difficult for you. Beyond the unhealthy weight gain that comes with consuming sugary foods, they're also a major cause of fatigue and sluggishness.

So imagine how difficult it'll be to pull through the next day with all that fatigue stocked in your body.
Drink enough water
Once you've broken your fast, you should drink as much water as possible before the next fast begins.

Drinking more than eight glasses of fluid between iftar and suhoor can help you reduce the risk of dehydration throughout the month of Ramadan and give your vital organs the strength to continue performing at their optimal level. Health experts recommend drinking over eight glasses of fluid between iftar and suhoor.