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Eliminate these products from your diet to control hypertension

The diet of people who have high blood pressure and regularly visit a cardiologist should not include too many ready-made meals and processed foods.
Diet for hypertension [Shutterstock]
Diet for hypertension [Shutterstock]

Arterial hypertension is a disease that affects millions of people. A diet dominated by salt, processed foods and fast food can significantly increase the risk of developing this condition.

So what does a diet look like that helps keep your blood pressure at a healthy level?

The diet for hypertension should be rich in fibre and vegetables and free from highly processed products. This sounds good, but what does it mean?

The diet of people who have high blood pressure and regularly visit a cardiologist should not include too many ready-made meals and processed foods. It is best to prepare meals seasonally with fresh vegetables and fruits to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients.

Diet for high blood pressure

If you want to effectively control your blood pressure, you must give up some products. They include:

  • salty snacks
  • fast food (fries, casseroles, pizzas, kebabs)
  • cold cuts
  • fatty meats
  • sweets
  • ready-made snacks

If you have high blood pressure, you should not drink alcohol.

Diet for high blood pressure without salt

Sodium, which is the main component of salt, plays an important role in our body, maintaining water-electrolyte and acid-base balance. However, its excess in the diet may contribute to water retention in the body, which results in hypertension.

Research conducted at Vanderbilt University Medical Center has shown that limiting salt intake to just 500 mg of sodium per day can effectively lower blood pressure. It is worth remembering that salt is hidden not only in our dishes but also in many ready-made products, such as cold meats, pates, cheeses, ready-made sauces and soups.

Diet for high blood pressure without coffee and tea

Unfortunately, people who have high blood pressure should also limit coffee and tea. These drinks contain caffeine, which increases blood pressure, which is why we feel so good in the morning when we drink a cup of black coffee after breakfast. However, in people with hypertension, they may contribute to dysregulation of blood pressure, so it is recommended to replace them with herbal teas or plain water.

Hibiscus tea or chamomile are also recommended, as they can relax the smooth muscles in the blood vessels and ultimately regulate blood pressure.

This article was originally published by Onet.

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