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Check out the top 10 uncivilized tourist behaviors

Henan province's tourism administration published a list of the "Top 10 uncivilized tourist behaviors" in a recent survey conducted among 173, 215 people.

What type of tourist are you?

The kind who completely let's go in a new environment, forgetting simples laws of etiquette that guided you back home or the kind who respects the sanctity of the laws of your host nation?

In recent years, the Chinese government has frowned heavily on bad behaviour by tourists and also established measures preventing their citizens from constituting a nuisance in other countries.

Similarly, Henan province's tourism administration published a list of the "Top 10 uncivilized tourist behaviors" in a recent survey conducted among 173, 215 people.

Among those surveyed, over 158,000 people (91.72%) have encountered uncivilized behavior in tourists, 9,834 (5.68 %t) never have, and 4,514 of them did not know what "uncivilized tourist behaviors" meant.

Check out the list of tourists' top 10 uncivilized behaviors:

1. Littering (22.3%)

2. Stepping on grass, climbing trees and picking flowers (13.55%)

3. Damaging public facilities (10.35%)

4. Breaking public order and jumping a queue (6.62%)

5. Spitting and defecation in open areas (5.93%)

6. Climbing on historical relics to take photos (5.27%)

7. Scribbling graffiti and carving at tourist attractions (5.08%)

8. Not flushing after using the toilet (4%)

9. Smoking in a non-smoking area (3.39%)

10. Breaking traffic rules, careless driving and illegal parking (3.11%)

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