The Terra Academy for the Arts (TAFTA), a leading creative academy in West Africa, is on a mission to train 65,000 creatives across Nigeria. The five-year training program aims to equip young Nigerians with relevant skills across key sub-sectors in theatre and business. In February 2023, TAFTA graduated 2,000 students from its 1st cohort who had successfully completed its six-week course.
In this conversation with Mr. Kayode Olusope, Senior Program Manager, TAFTA, and Segun Adesokan Yusuf, a recent graduate from the 1st Cohort, they discuss the inspiration, purpose, and impact of the creative academy.
Q1. Kindly introduce yourself and TAFTA.
Kayode Olusope: My name is Kayode Olusope and I am the senior program manager at the Terra Academy for the Arts (TAFTA). In order to promote the long-term development of Nigerian youth in the creative business, TAFTA was established to build and empower a community of young Nigerians who will impact the economy and society by transforming the creative industry. Offering a rigorous and innovative curriculum with specialized courses in sound design, stage lighting, animation, and scriptwriting, the academy provides young Nigerians with world-class creative education, career and entrepreneurial opportunities.
Q2. What was the inspiration and driving purpose behind the establishment of TAFTA?
Kayode Olusope: Bolanle Austen-Peters, the brains behind the Terra Kulture group, founded TAFTA to build and empower talents who will revolutionize the creative industry. The essence is to create a domino effect that will result in socio-economic independence amongst Nigerian youth, especially females, whilst also increasing competency and overall productivity in the creative industry.
TAFTA strives to be the top creative academy in the world, and everything is possible, believe me. Our goal from inception has been to accomplish that as in everything we do, we strive to be the best. This motivation has seeped into every aspect of the academy from our curriculum to our professors. Our outstanding students are a reflection of this dedication.
Q3. Please share an overview of the current TAFTA program and training curriculum.
Kayode Olusope: Currently we offer e-learning free programs and courses in scriptwriting, stage lighting, sound design, and animation. These courses last for six weeks but can be completed at the pace of each individual student. As long as they are connected to the internet, they can complete their courses from anywhere in the world whenever they want. For the sound design and stage lighting courses, once students are done with the online courses, there are in-person practical workshops available. Those in the scriptwriting program will write a screenplay and have the content marked by industry experts.
The next phases include mentorship and coaching that will help build the students into qualified professionals who are capable of leading the creative world through their specialties. We also set up employment linkages for the students as well and help them obtain business capital through loans with First City Monument Bank (FCMB). Many of our students have been asked to join organizations across Nigeria as interns which is exciting.
Q4. As a student, kindly introduce yourself and tell us how you found out about the academy.
Segun Adesokan: My name is Adesokan Segun Yusuf and I am a fashion designer and co-creative director for the brand, Patrick Slim. Most importantly, I am one of the first graduating students of the Terra Academy for the Arts. I discovered TAFTA via an Instagram-sponsored ad and it caught my eye because it was something I had always wanted to do. Once I registered, I signed up for the stage lighting course. As a fashion designer, I believe fashion is art so it was a no-brainer in terms of wanting to learn more insights into lighting, atmosphere, and everything else.
Q5. What has been your experience in the program?
Segun Adesokan: I must say my experience has been incredible. Even though TAFTA is a free program, their staff work round the clock to ensure each of us not only completes the courses but also that we are actually learning. The community of encouragement was very strong which I really appreciated. As a student in the stage lighting program, I completed the practical class which despite only lasting a week, felt like it was a year-long class. Believe me, even if you come in knowing nothing about lighting, in a week you would be able to gain deep more insights into every facet of the skill. At the end of the program, the five top students in my cohort and program were chosen to participate in a paid internship. Such a fantastic experience for a free course.
Q6. How has TAFTA impacted your journey in the creative industry in terms of knowledge and skills?
Segun Adesokan: I say this frequently, customers pay for value and you need abilities before people will pay you for value. TAFTA is willingly providing free programs that enable young people to gain these talents. The world is presently in need of creative people everywhere and they are wanting to compensate people for creative skills and thinking. Now is the time for all those interested to sign up for TAFTA programs if you want to hone your skills and gain value.
Q7. What advice and encouragement would you give to aspiring students and current students yet to complete their courses?
Segun Adesokan: All I can say is for them to take advantage of this unique opportunity. This opportunity that they have been given is one many people desire. It was a fantastic experience I will never forget, because of the chances given to learn, network, and establish connections. The free food during our practical sessions was just an added bonus, haha.
Q8. How can those who are interested register for the academy?
Kayode Olusope: For those who are interested, all they need to do is register on the website Once registered, our team will get in contact with you to get you started on your course and therefore on your road to success. If you are in Lagos, Ogun, or Kano states, and don’t have continuous access to the internet, we have physical learning centers in each of these states. Each and every one of you has a great deal of potential and wealth inside of you. Come join Terra Academy for the Arts so that we can help you unlock this potential.
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