58% of Pulse Nigeria Poll voters are of the view that it is a sin for a married couple to watch pornographic movies together. This response came after reading this letter sent in by a reader,
Read his letter here:
"My name is Timi and I have been married to a very wonderful woman for three years but the only problem we seem to have has to do with our sex life.
My wife, Yetunde, seems to be more than I am and she is open to trying out so many things in bed. When we were dating, I found such very exciting but I can tell you that now, it is becoming such a burden on me.
Yetunde has so much sexual appetite and would not mind having sex three times everyday but I am not cut for such, what with hustling to provide for the family and other bills to pay.
Last week, Yetunde suggested we take to watching pornographic movies together, saying this will improve our sex life but I am sure I would not agree to that.
I have told her in plain terms that that will not happen as my religious upbringing will not allow me to sit down with my wife and watch porn.
This is creating a strain on our marriage and I fear she may decide to try out with another man. I can't seem to take the thought off my mind.
What should I do?
The teaser for the day was:
58% - Yes, it is very wrong
42% - No, there is nothing wrong in it
How would you vote here?