Jessa Duggar Seewald and husband Ben Seewald named their child Spurgeon, sparking an online protest to stop parents from naming their children in 2015.
The former "19 Kids and Counting" star and her husband, Ben, have named their firstborn Spurgeon Elliot Seewald, they revealed in a video announcement.
The unorthodox first name was inspired by a 19th-century Baptist teacher named Charles Spurgeon, who was regarded by some Christians as the "Prince of Preachers."
However, social media users were quick to point out that spurgeon is actually an insult.
Spurgeon; a word Urban Dictionary defines as, "A beer guzzlin, bacon frying, big dick swingin bad ass motherfucker...Someone that seeps testosterone out of every pore of his body."
The Seewalds are hardly the first couple in the entertainment circuit to give their child an unconventional moniker.
Singer Jermaine Jackson named their 15-year-old son Jermajesty Jackson
Musician Frank Zappa named his children Moon Unit, Dweezil and Diva Muffin.
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