Kafui Danku's production house, ABC Pictures has commenced shooting of its fifth movie, 'Any Other Monday'. She made the announcement at a special pre-production press conference at the Africa Regent Hotel on Friday before commencing shoot on Saturday, June 11. Directed by award-winning director, Pascal Amanfo, ' Any Other Monday' features Kanfui Danku, Yvonne Nelson, Jose Tolbert, and Kunle Remi. Without giving much away, Pascal Amanfo and the cast described the movie as a captivating family drama that would test the foundations of marriages. It revolves around events after a phone-swap, setting the agenda for a series of unpredictable outcomes.
'Any Other Monday' also features first time actors, Metro TV's Blacofe and Sound City's E-Man. Other cast include Selly Galley of Big Brother Africa fame.
This is the fifth movie produced by Kafui Danku; with the first two, ‘Letters to My Mother’ and ‘Devil in a Dress’ winning several pan-African awards. The third movie, ‘Happy Deathday’, released late 2014 was also well received, and the fourth production, 'I Do' released earlier this year was also a smash box office success.