"Light In The Dark" is an upcoming Nollywood movie directed by Ekene Som Mekwunye and produced by Chidinma Uzodike and Ekene Som Mekwunye.
Written by Babatunde Ojo, the movie stars Rita Dominic, Joke Silva, Kalu Ikeagwu, Ngozi Nwosu, Mannie of Cool FM, Kiki Omeili among others.
On why Joke Silva and Dominic were selected to star in the movie, Mekwunye said, "because of the story and how best I feel they can interpret it. Its a character-driven movie and we need real actors to play such part."
A thriller, the movie tells the story of how far two people are willing to go to keep their marriage together after they suffer a big attack that tests the love between them.
It also touches slightly on inter tribal marriages and the betrayal of friendship.
To be shot in Lagos Island this May, "Light in the Dark" will be released in December 2017.