You’re a talented actor, musician, entertainer, entrepreneur or even a social media star whos finally gained public recognition. Now you’re famous - what next?
Reality is you continue living life but bare in mind you'll have fans, supporters, critics and haters - all with expectations from you. Depending on what your special skill is, your fame could also come with a lot of press coverage and mainstream exposure.
Here are a few tips for you to deal with the celebrity life.
1. Accept it.
Not everyone asks to be famous, sometimes it just happens overnight while it takes years for some others to shine. When it happens, accept it and be true to you.
2. Set a plan for yourself
Work on your talent and skills.
3. Who is your tribe?
You might have a lot of people surrounding you and rolling with your entourage, not all of them are really there for you - some of them are just there for the fame. Make sure you know who your tribe is and keep them close.
Continue to nurture close relationships with your family and friends.
4. Save
While you spend or splurge on a luxury lifestyle, remember to save. You might be hot now, but you won’t always be ‘popping’ so save for the future.
5. Don’t take criticism personal
Are you an artist dealing with criticism? Well it’s part of the journey to success. If you were not a singer/actor/producer/director, you would still be criticized. As an ordinary person, people would still judge you for how you look, how you dress, how you speak and what you do.
ALSO READ: Handling criticism in entertainment
6. Keep your private life private
If you didn’t get famous off baring your whole life on Instagram or on a reality show, it’s best for you to just keep your private life private.
Brace yourself there’ll be paparazzi, rumours and stalkers.